My blogging and riding have been suffering lately as I have been spending more hours in a plane then on a bike. The last two weeks have found me in Dubai (UAE) twice and Singapore once.
We were quite excited about the event as we had the credibility of an organised team (With our New MULE shirts) to offer some form of resemblance to a plan in riding together: Kenny,Dave,Sean,Simon,Cristian,Philip,Adam and myself.
In my last episode Phil, Simon and I were heading North from San Antonio to Wichita Falls to compete in the Hotter than Hell 100.
We were quite excited about the event as we had the credibility of an organised team (With our New MULE shirts) to offer some form of resemblance to a plan in riding together: Kenny,Dave,Sean,Simon,Cristian,Philip,Adam and myself.
This really worked out quite well with a really hot start. (Averaging over 21 mph for the first 60 miles) as we alternated the work in 2 minute pulls at the front.
The going was tough at times with a number of riders riding 5 or 6 abreast down the road oblivious to our pleads of wanting to pass.
The heat wasn't there this year which is fortunate as I lost a water bottle after traversing over a railway track earlier in the ride.
The team was great and especially helpful to myself who had written of my bike and my ribs only two weeks before the ride. The last twenty miles was tough but my fellow MULES pulled me through recording an average of just under 20mph for the 100 mile trek.
Then we decided to socialize!!!